
Baby Wet Wipes are convenient

Baby Wet Wipes are convenient, quick-and-easy wipes that are usually packaged in travel sizes or packs. They are often also sprayed with antibacterial and disinfecting agents to help prevent the spread of germs and to keep your little one healthy.

Typically, these wipes are made with a variety of water-based cleansers and preservatives designed to kill germs, but they don't typically contain fragrances or perfumes. Many are also made with natural ingredients like lanolin, glycerin, and squalane.

They are a great option for cleaning baby's hands or messes on hard surfaces and can even be used to remove clothing stains from carpeting. But they can be pretty harsh on your baby's skin, so make sure you read the label carefully!

Safety Profiles
In the United States, baby wipes are regulated as a drug under FDA regulations and require testing to determine their safety. This involves testing for both individual ingredients and the entire formulation to ensure that they are safe and effective at cleaning the skin.

It's important to remember that the majority of a baby wipe's safety profile will be determined by animal test models and non-animal in vitro testing, but some may undergo clinical human subject testing as well. This is because dermal irritation and allergic reactions can be a concern, as well as eye irritation.

Regardless of whether you choose to use baby wipes or wet wipes, it's a good idea to store them in a cool, dry place between uses so they don't become mildewy or moldy. They should last about a year after opening the package, but it's a good idea to open a new pack before using the older ones to ensure that they are fresh and don't get dried out.